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Catalog Contractors(7) Pond Supplies(21) Chemicals Water(35)

Surface Shoreline Herbicide
Chemicals Water Treatments
Surface Shoreline Herbicide : Gordons Pondmaster
Surface Shoreline Herbicide Gordon's Pondmaster Surface & Shoreline Herbicide

Concentrated glyphosate with aquatic surfactant designed to control above-water aquatic weeds, shoreline weeds and brush. Ideal for control of cattails, willow and water hyacinth and more. Will not harm fish or livestock when used as directed.
- Copper based products that allow immediate access to water
- Effective in hard water & non-corrosive to equipment

Active Ingredient: Isopropylamine salt of glyphosate: 18.0%
Inert Ingredients: 82.0%
Bottle Size: 1 gallon
Coverage: approximately one acre

Control floating and emersed weeds in your pond with Gordon's Pondmaster Surface & Shoreline Herbicide. This herbicide is intended for use as a foliar spray for the control or destruction of many herbaceous or woody plants. Applied with hand-held or ground equipment sprayers such as a garden sprayer, backpack sprayer, or with a controlled droplet applicator, wiper applicator, rope/sponge wick applicator, or porous-plastic applicator, this herbicide will control weeds such as chickweed, ragweed, spurge, Johnson grass, and chervil. Perennial weeds such as Bermuda grass, clover, lotus, thistle, and water lettuce may also be fully or partially controlled. Woody bush and trees such as cherry, dogwood, holly, maple, oak, pine, raspberry, poison ivy and poison oak may also be controlled or partially controlled. Best results may be obtained when applied to plants that are actively growing and are at high moisture content, flowering, and have full leaf expansion. This herbicide may also be applied to weeds, woody brush, and trees in all bodies of fresh and brackish water which may be flowing, non-flowing, or transient. Suitable for lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, irrigation ditches, and reservoirs inhabited with humans or wildlife. Allow 7 or more days after application before tillage, mowing, or removal. Repeat treatments may be necessary. Control cattail, common reed, smartweed, willow, and other floating and emersed weeds with Gordon's Pondmaster Surface & Shoreline Herbicide.

Catalog Contractors(7) Pond Supplies(21) Chemicals Water(35)

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