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Aquascape EcoBlast Spot Treatment
Chemicals Water Treatments
Aquascape EcoBlast Spot Treatment : Aquascape
Aquascape EcoBlast Spot Treatment

Aquascape EcoBlast- Pond Debris Remover
Aquascape Product #29311, 29312, & 29313

  • Breaks down debris that appears during the summer months.
  • Keeps ponds sparkling year-round
  • Fast acting

EcoBlast is the first line of defense to quickly and safely remove devris from waterfalls, streams, rocks, plant pots and anywhere build-up has occured. Start using EcoBlast to spot treat the trouble areas on your pond and follow up with Aquascape Design's S.A.B. on a monthly basis to help keep it away.

For best results use EcoBlast during the hot summer months, however it is not temperature sensitive and can be used in cold temperatures as well. Best results are achieved when using this product in conjunction with Aquascape Design's S.A.B.

Application Directions:
Since EcoBlast has to make direct contact to be a patent aplication adn cannot be diluted it is best to calculate square footage of your pond and apply per the application grid listed on teh packaging. It is recommeded to remove as much debris as possible from teh stream and pon dprio to aplying EcoBlast. Sprinkler EcoBlast evenly on heavy debris areas. You may need to shut down the waterfalls and stream prior to application to ensure optimal contact. The pump can be turned back on immediately after application. Allow 24 hours for treated debris to break apart. The floating debris will easily be removed by the Aquascape Design's skimmer filtration system or can be manually removed using a net. Allow 48 hours between consecutive treatments of EcoBlast. Allow 48 hours before following up with Aquascape Design's S.A.B.

Calculations: Square Footage of Pond: Length x Width = Square footage

Catalog Contractors(7) Pond Supplies(21) Chemicals Water(35)

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