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Catalog Growers Grower Garden (22) Pots Nursery Co(15)

HPP Blow Molded Nursery Containers
Pots Nursery Containers
HPP Blow Molded Nursery Containers
HPP Blow Molded Nursery Containers HPP Blow Molded Nursery Containers
Haviland Plastic Products

Most commomly known as "HPP", Haviland Plastic Products are the industry's leader in the design, development adn manufacturing of the first complete recycled nursery container line. HPP cans are "Engneered for Strength" to ensure your growing success!

Trade Size:    Diameter:    Height:
#1               7.68"          6.5"
#2               8.54"          8.56"
#3 Small      9.71"          9"
#3 Large      10.73"         9.34"
#4               9.75"          11.75"
#5               12"             11"
#5 Squat      14"             10"
#7               14"             11.75"
#7 Squat      16"             11"
#10             16.5"          14.75"
#10 Squat    17.8"           12"
#15             18.2"           16"
#15 Squat    20"             13"
#20             20"             17"
#20 Squat    24"             13.25"
#25             24"             18"
#35 Squat    28"             15"
#45             30"             20"

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For Annuals and Perennials

65% Fibrous Coarse Peat
35% Composted Pine Bark
10% Coarse Perlite

The composted pine bark creates air space and alows water to the root system. The coarse fibrous peat allows maximum water holding capacity and helps retain nutrients for the plant. Perlite is very light; helps create air space and has good water rentention properties.Pine Bark combined with peat and perlite in the percentages above creates maximum growth
Fertilizer & Root Stimulators
Scotts Osmocote with Fusion Technology Fertilizer
Scotts Osmocote with Fusion Technology Fertilizer
Scotts Osmocote with Fusion Technology
Scotts Part #90581

Analysis: 19-6-9
Feeds: 5-6 Months

- Reapplication is minimized, which reduces additional fertilizer and labor costs
- By keeping more fertilizer in the pot from the start, plants consistently receive the nutrition they need to achieve superior results.
- Minimal enviromental impact, there's little if any wasted nutrition to encourage weed growth, or possible pollute surrounding water sources.
- The grower's fertilizer investment is optimized, because more of what's purchased stays put in the pot.

Scott's Fusion Technology was specially developed by Scotts Professional for surface applications in container nursery stock. This n3ew, proprietary advancement works to optimize your fertilizer investment by bonding the nutrients to the surface of the growign media. Years of research, testing and actual field use prove Osmocote with Fusion Technology is more efficient and effective when compared to other surface applied fertilizer products.
Catalog Growers Grower Garden (22) Pots Nursery Co(15)

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