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Catalog Contractors(7) Pond Supplies(21) Weed Razers for(3)

Weed Razer for Controlling Aquatic Vegetation
Weed Razers for Lakes Ponds
Weed Razer for Controlling Aquatic Vegetation : Jenlis
Weed Razer for Controlling Aquatic Vegetation Weed Razer

Tools for controlling Aquatic vegetation

The Weed Razer's unique design, makes it the most cost effective, efficient and enviromentally friendly tool for cutting aquatic weeds like milfoil, hydrilla, cattails, lily pads, etc.

Using the Weed Razer is a simple 4-step process
(1) Give it a toss
(2) Let it sink
(3) Retrieve with short, jerking actions
(4) Repeat

Weighing less than 8 pounds, it is light enough to toss 30 feet or more, yet heavy enough to sink to the bottom. The Weed Razer clears a path of 4 feet wide with each throw.
Because the Weed Razer slices weeds at their base, there is little resistance, unlike tools that drag and tear the weeds.
Catalog Contractors(7) Pond Supplies(21) Weed Razers for(3)

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