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Catalog Nursery Stock Plant Material

Plant Material
  PLANT MATERIAL  14 Items   Displaying 1 - 14
Books DVDs
Books DVDs Educational, Promotional & Marketing Materials for Landscapers
Reference Books, Plant Lists, etc.
Evergreen Shrubs (41)
Evergreen Shrubs

Chamaecyparis - False Cypress

Juniperus - Juniper Spreading

Microbiota - Russian Cypress

Picea - Spurce Globe

Pinus - Pine Globe

Taxus - Yew Upright

Thuja - Arborvitae Upright


Evergreen Shrubs - Uprigh (15)
Evergreen Shrubs - Upright Juniperus - Juniper
Picea - Spruce
Taxus - Yew
Thuja - Arborvitae
Evergreen Trees (22)
Evergreen Trees Spruce
Pine, etc.
Fruit Trees (34)
Fruit Trees

Apple Trees & Blueberry Plants

Grasses (47)

Andropogon - Big Bluestem

Bouteloua - Blue Grama

Calamagrostis - Feather Reed Grass

Carex Grass

Chasmanthium - Northern Sea Oats

Cord Prairie Grass

Deschampsia - Tufted Hair Grass

Erianthus - Hardy Pampas Grass

Festuca - Blue Fescue


Helictotrichon - Blue Oat Grass

Hystrix - Bottle Brush Grass

Miscanthus - Maiden Grass

Panicum - Switch Grass

Phalaris - Ribbon Grass

Schizachyrium - Little Bluestem

Sorghastrum - Indian Grass

Spodiopogon - Frost Grass

Sorghastrum - Indian Grass

Sporobolus - Prairie Drop Seed

Hosta (57)
Hosta Many varieties of Hosta's available
Perfect for shade gardens, ground cover, edging and mix with other perennials
Low maintenence

Ornamental Shrubs (214)
Ornamental Shrubs

Acer - Maple

Amelanchier - Serviceberry

Aronia - Chokeberry

Berberis - Barberry

Buxus - Boxwood

Clethra - Summersweet

Cornus - Dogwood

Corylus - Hazelnut

Cotinus - Smokebush



Diervilla - Bush Honeysuckle




Ilex - Ink Berry


Philadelphus - Mockorange

Physocarpus - Ninebark


Prunus - Cherry

Rhododendron - Azaleas

Rhus - Sumac

Ribes - Currant

Rosa - Rose

Salix - Willow

Sorbaria - False Spirea

Spiraea - Spirea


Symphoricarpos - Snowberry

Syringa - Lilac


Vaccinium - Blueberry




Ornamental Trees (44)
Ornamental Trees

Ornamental Cherries
other flowering & ornamental trees.

Perennials (390)
Perennials Achillea - Yarrow, Aconitum - Monkshood, Aegopodium - Snow-On-The- Moutain, Agatache - Anise Hyssop, Allieae - Allium, Ajuga - Bugleweed,
Alcea -  Hollyhock, Alchemilla - Lady Mantle, Amsonia - Blue Star, Anemone, Aquilegia - Columbine, Aralia - Spikenard, Armeria - Thrift/Sea Pink, Artemisia - Silver Mound/Wormwood, Aruncus - Goatsbeard, Asarum - Ginger, Asclepias - Butterfly Weed, Asters, Astilbe - False Spirea,
Astrantia - Masterwort, Baptisia - False Indigo, Bergenia - Pig Squeak, Brunnera - Heartleaf Alkanet, Campanula - Bellflower, Centaura -Bachelor's Buttons, Chelone - Pink Turtlehead, Chrysanthemum - Mamouth Mum, Cimcifuga - Bugbane, Coreopsis - Tickseed, Dalea Pupureum,
Delosperma - Hardy Ice Plant, Delphinium - Larkspur, Dianthus - Pinks, Dicentra - Bleeding Heart, Digitalis - Foxglove, Echinacea - Coneflower, Eupatorium - Joe Pye Weed, Euphorbia - Flowering Spurge, Filipendula - Meadow Sweet, Gaillardia - Blanket Flower, Geranium - Cranesbill, Gentiana - Gentian, Geum-Avens, Gypsophila - Baby's Breath, Helenium - Sneezeweed, Heliopsis - False Sunflower, Hemerocallis - Daylilly, Heuchera - Coral Bells, Heucherella - Foamy Bells, Hibiscus - Rose Mallow, Iris, Kniphofia - Red Hot Poker, Lamiastrum - Yellow Archangel, Lamium - Dead Nettle, Lavandula - Lavender, Leucanthemum - Shasta Daisy, Liatris - Blazing Star/Gayfeather, Ligularia - Ragwort, Lillium - Lily, Lobelia - Cardinal Flower, Lupinus - Lupine, Lychnis - Campion Maltese Cross, Monarda - Bee Balm, Nepeta - Catmint, Oenothera - Sundrop, Pachysandra - Japanese Spurge, Paeonia - Peony, Papaver - Poppy, Penstemon - Bearded Tongue, Perovskai - Russian Sage, Phlox Creeping, Phlox Garden, Platycodon - Balloon Flower, Polemonium - Jacob's Ladder, Ploygonatum - Solomon's Seal, Pulmonaria - Lungwort, Rudbeckia - Black Eye Susan, Salvia - Meadow Sage, Scabiosa - Pincushion Flower, Sedum - Stonecrop, Sempervivum - Hen & Hicks, Stachy's Lamb's Ear, Stokesia - Stokes Aster, Tanacetum - Painted Daisy, Thymus - Thyme, Trollius - Globe Flower, Tiarella - Foamflower, Tradescantia - Spiderwort, Veronica - Speedwell, Vinca - Periwinkle, Clematis & Ferns.

Shade Trees (82)
Shade Trees

Ginkgo & more!

Evergreen Specialty/Topia (27)
Evergreen Specialty/Topiary Chamaecyparis
Picea - Spruce
Pinus - Pine
Taxus - Yew
Tsuga -Hemlock

Vines (11)
Vines Campsis - Trumpet Vines
Celastrus - Bittersweet
Humulus - Ornamental Hops
Lonicera - Honeysuckle 
Parthenocissus - Ivy
Deciduous Specialty/Topia (12)
  PLANT MATERIAL  14 Items   Displaying 1 - 14
Catalog Nursery Stock Plant Material

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