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Catalog Contractors(7) Landscaper Supp(16) Edging(40)

Coupler Plugs
Coupler Plugs
Coupler Plugs Oly Olya Coupler Plugs

Additional Coupler Plugs for Plastic Lawn Edging
- Central's Edge/Viper Edging
- Central's Best/Black Jack Edging
- EdgeKing Edging

Use the overlap method when using this connector. Also, this connector can be rotated to adjust the fit (+ for tight fit, X for loose fit)
(Please Note: Our lawn edging comes with 1 coupler plug per strip of edging ordered.)

Installation Instructions:
Step 1: Cut off 2-3" of the roundtop
Step 2: Connect and overlap the two pieces
Step 3: Drive stake through both pieces

Catalog Contractors(7) Landscaper Supp(16) Edging(40)

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