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Catalog Growers Grower Garden (22) Soil Moist(12)

Soil Moist
  SOIL MOIST  12 Items   Displaying 1 - 12
Soilmoist Transplant Mycorrhizal
Soilmoist Transplant Mycorrhizal Soilmoist Transplant Mycorrhizal

Available in 6oz. Bags or 5Lb. Pails
- 6oz. Bags treats up to 3 caliper inches
- 5Lb. Pail treats up to 26 caliper inches

Click on the photo for additional product information.
Winter Supplies | Soil Moist
Tree Moist
Tree Moist Soil Moist
Reduce Christmas tree waterings with Tree Moist and Tree Moist Plus!

  • One bag will treat 3, one gallon tree stand
  • Ideal for businesses or homes where free-standing water is not permitted or desirable
  • Soil Moist Root Dip Mycorrhizal
    Soil Moist Root Dip Mycorrhizal Root Dip Mycorrhizal
    Soil Moist

    5 Lb Pail treats up to 8,000 seedling

    - Mycorrhiza are beneficial fungi that improve nutrient uptake of the root system.
    - Helps reduce plant stress and disease
    - Improves soil/plant ecosystem which increases plant establishment.

    Please click on the photo for additional product information.
    Soil Moist Flowerbed Mycorrhizal
    Soil Moist Flowerbed Mycorrhizal

    Flowerbed Mycorrhizal
    Soil Moist

    5Lb. Pail treats up to 200 SqFt.

    - Mycorrhiza are beneficial fungi that improve nutrient uptake of the root system
    - Helps reduce plant stress and disease
    - Improves soil/plant ecosystem which increases plant establishment

    Click on the photo for additional product information.

    Soil Moist Container Mix Plus Mycorrhizal
    Soil Moist Container Mix Plus Mycorrhizal Container Mix Plus Mycorrhizal
    Soil Moist

    Analysis 3-3-3

    - Mycorrhiza are beneficial fungi that improve nutrient uptake of the root system
    - Helps reduce plant stress and disease
    - Improves soil/plant ecosystem which increases plant establishment

    Click on the photo for additional product information.
    Soil Moist Polymers
    Soil Moist Polymers Soil Moist Polymers

    - Increases the soil's ability to reatin water, reduces transplant shock, and reduces waterings.

    Soil Moist Paks contain water storing polymer crystals in a premeasured biodegradable packet or "tea bag." The paks are designed to reduce plant waterings by 50% and the gel will last several seasons.

    Soil Moist Paks Plus container water storing polymer crystals and an 8-9 month timed release 9-3-6 fertilizer.

    The easy to apply products are ideal potted plants, hanging baskets, vegetables, trees, shrubs and more. Each retail unit contains 6 packets. Use one packet per 10" pot or 3 foot tall tree/shrub.

    Simply place the proper amount of paks into the empty pot or planting hole. Must be incorporated at the root level - do not top dress.

    Soil Moist Seed Coat Polymer
    Soil Moist Seed Coat Polymer

    Seed Coat Polymer

    - Polymer and graphite mixture that is designed to hold moisture for dry grass seeding.

    Use SOIL MOIST at a rate of six pounds per 1000 square feet or 300 pounds per acre if the polymer is worked into the soil at a depth of five to six inches. Use four to five pounds per 1000 square feet or 175 to 225 pounds per acre if the polymer is worked into the soil at a depth of three to four inches. For sandy soils we recommend five pounds per 1000 square feet or 225 pounds per acre at a depth of three to four inches.

    Broadcast the polymer with a spreader or drop seeder for even disbursement. Work into the soil, spread seed or lay sod, roll and water liberally. If applying grass seed, you may want to use our SOIL MOIST SEED COAT.

    Soil Moist Plus Polymers Disk
    Soil Moist Plus Polymers Disk Soil Moist Plus Disks

    Analysis: 10-10-10

    - Contain water storing polymer and a 10-10-10, 8-9 month timed release fertilizer in an easy to use disk form.
    - Increases the soil's ability to retain water
    - Reduces transplant shock and soil compaction
    - Reduces waterings
    - Remains effective in the soil for 3-5 years
    Soil Moist Polymer Fines
    Soil Moist Polymer Fines Polymer Fines
    Soil Moist

    - Powder form of the polymer that is used for bare root planting applications.

    Click on the logo for additional product information.
    Soil Moist Plus Polymer Spikes
    Soil Moist Plus Polymer Spikes

    Soil Moist Plus Polymer Spikes

    Analysis: 5-5-5

    - Water storing polymer and also available with a 3-4 month
    - 5-5-5 timed release fertilizer
    - These spikes are for existing containers and are easy to install by simply pushing the spikes into the soil.

    Click on the logo for additional product information.

    Soil Moist Mycorrhizal Products
    Soil Moist Mycorrhizal Products
    • Mycorriha are beneficial fungi that improve nutrient uptake of the root system
    • Helps reduce plant stress and disease
    • Improves soil/plant ecosystem which increases plant establishment
    • Retail Products
    Soil Moist Polymer Mat
    Soil Moist Polymer Mat Soil Moist Mat

    Measures: 7" x 7"

    - Polymer crystals woven into a cloth material. Ideal for hanging baskets and containers. No measuring.
      SOIL MOIST  12 Items   Displaying 1 - 12
    Catalog Growers Grower Garden (22) Soil Moist(12)

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