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Chemicals Water Treatments
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    CHEMICALS WATER TREATMENTS  35 Items   Displaying 1 - 30
Aquascape Pond Foam Free : Aquascape
Aquascape Pond Foam Free Aquascape Pond Foam Free
Aquascape Part #98909

Reformulated EcoFoam Away Safely Eliminates Foam from Ponds

Aquascape Pond Foam Free will eliminate foam that will often build up near waterfalls or in areas of the pond that contain fast-moving water.

- Refreshing lime scent
- Helps maintain the beauty of your pond
- Helps keep water clean and clear of foam
- Non toxic, safe for birds, fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water
Aquascape Professional Grade Beneficial Bacteria f : Aquascape
Aquascape Professional Grade Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds Professional Grade Liquid Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds
Aquascape Part #30406

Aquascape's Beneficial Bacteria contains 8 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria, including PSB bacteria and enzymes. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond, providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

- Maintains a balanced ecosystem
- Reduces pond maintenance
- Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water.
- Contains 8 strains of bacteria
- Contains Photo Synthetic Bacteria (PSB)
- I billion CFU per ounce potency

Aquascape Professional Grade Beneficial Bacteria f : Aquascape
Aquascape Professional Grade Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds Professional Grade Dry Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds
Aquascape Part #30407

Aquascape's Beneficial Bacteria contains 8 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria, including PSB bacteria and enzymes. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond, providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

- Keeps pond water clean and clear
- Maintains a balanced ecosystem
- Reduces pond maintenance
- Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water
- Contains 8 strains of bacteria
- Contains Photo Synthetic Bacteria (PSB)
- 1.25 billion CFU per gram potency

Aquascape Professional Grade Sludge Cleaner for Po : Aquascape
Aquascape Professional Grade Sludge Cleaner for Ponds Professional Grade Sludge Cleaner for Ponds
Aquascape Part #30408

Aquascape's Sludge Cleaner contains 5 pure strains of concentrated heterotrophic beneficial bacteria. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond while quickly cleaning between rocks, gravel and keeping filter pads from becoming quickly clogged. Aquascape's Sludge Cleaner provides clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

- Keeps pond water clean and clear
- Maintains a balanced ecosystem
- Contains 5 strains of heterotrophic bacteria
- 2 billion CFU per oune potency
- Contains marigold and humic acid

GreenClean Granular Algaecide
GreenClean Granular Algaecide

GreenClean Granular Algaecide provides immediate algae control!
BioSafe Systems LLC

Treats, Control and Prevents Algae.
For use in water features containing live fish and plants, fountains and birdbaths.

Active Ingredient: Sodium Carbonate Peroxyhdrate 50%
Contains 27.60% Hydrogen Dioxide by weight

Aquascape EcoCarbon
Aquascape EcoCarbon Aquascape EcoCarbon

Safely clear tea colored pond water.
Dissolves organic debris stains.
Removes harmful chlorine build up.

9 lbs. treats 1,800 gallons.

Aquascape EcoBlast Spot Treatment : Aquascape
Aquascape EcoBlast Spot Treatment

Aquascape EcoBlast- Pond Debris Remover
Aquascape Product #29311, 29312, & 29313

  • Breaks down debris that appears during the summer months.
  • Keeps ponds sparkling year-round
  • Fast acting

Barley Straw
Barley Straw Barley Straw

- Safe, effective, long-term treatment to improve water garden clarity
- Effects begin within 1-2 weeks and last from 4-6 months
AquaClearer Extreme Cold Water
AquaClearer Extreme Cold Water Aquascape AquaClearerTM Extreme Cold Water contains bacteria and enzymes that are scientifically blended and tested to produce maximum results in ornamental ponds during colder temperatures. During the spring and autumn seasons there is extreme nutrient loading in the pond as trees and plants in and around the pond are dropping organic material into the pond. AquaClearerTM Extreme Cold Water contains a proprietary blend of microbes that are effective at accelerating the digestion of this organic material at the bottom of the pond. It is also excellent at reducing ammonia, nitrites and excess nutrients that would otherwise cause poor water quality and clarity. It contains specific beneficial microbes and enzymes that are effective at reducing sludge, uneater fish food, fish waste and excess nutrients that cause poor water quality and clarity.

- Seeds bilogical filters
- Naturally reduces ammonia and excess nutrients that cause poor water quality and clarity.
- Safe for fish and plants.

Think of your AquaClearerTM Extreme microbes as your continuous live-in pond clean-up crew!
Gordons PondMaster Aquatic Algaecide
Gordons PondMaster Aquatic Algaecide Gordon's PondMaster Aquatic Algaecide
PBI Gordon

Chelated copper formula for use in slow moving or quiescent bodies of water including fire ponds, fresh water lakes, fish hatcheries and potable water reservoirs. Also useful for algae control in crop and non-crop irrigation conveyance systems. Controls green and blue-green algae, diatoms and flagellates. Will not harm fish or livestock when used as directed.
Gordons PondMaster Aquatic Herbicide
Gordons PondMaster Aquatic Herbicide Gordon's Pondmaster Aquatic Herbicide
PBI Gordon

Chelated copper formulation control aquatic weeds such as hydrilla, water hyacinth and water lettuce in slow moving or quiescent bodies of water including ornamental and fish ponds, fresh water lakes, fish hatcheries adn potable water reservoirs. Treated weeds sink below the surface in 3-7 days. No interruption of swimming, fishing and livestock watering after treatment.
Surface Shoreline Herbicide : Gordons Pondmaster
Surface Shoreline Herbicide Gordon's Pondmaster Surface & Shoreline Herbicide

Concentrated glyphosate with aquatic surfactant designed to control above-water aquatic weeds, shoreline weeds and brush. Ideal for control of cattails, willow and water hyacinth and more. Will not harm fish or livestock when used as directed.
Aquascape Pond Detoxifier : Aquascape
Aquascape Pond Detoxifier

Aquascape Pond Detoxifier
Aquascape Product #98876

Reformulated EcoStarter Plus Liquid makes tap water safe for fish and plants

Aquascape Pond Detoxifier makes tap water into pond water. Because tap water, including well water, often contains chlorine, chloramines and heavy metals, that if left untreated can cause damage to the pond ecosystem.

- Removes and detoxifies chlorine

- Neutralizes ammonia

- Detoxifies and chelates copper and heavy metals

- Protects and repairs fish mucus membrane (slime coat)

- Contains Valerian to relax pond fish during clean outs and transport

- Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water

1 bottle treats up to 5,000 Gallons
1 pump treats up 100 Gallons

Aquascape Rapid Clear : Aquascape
Aquascape Rapid Clear

Aquascape Rapid Clear
Aquascape Product #98879

Reforumulated EcoFloc quickly clears discolored or cloudy water

Aquascape Rapid Clear is scientifically blended to quickly clear cloudy or discolored pond water by clumping suspended debris, also referred to as flocculation. Most ponds will be clear within 24 hours.

  • Quickly clears pond water
  • Concentrated formulation
  • Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water
  • Works within 24 hours
Aquascape EcoBarley Liquid Extract : Aquascape
Aquascape EcoBarley Liquid Extract

Aquascape Ecobarley Liquid Extract
Aquascape Product #98903, 98904, 98905 & 98906

Fermented Barley Straw Extract

Barley straw has been used for hundreds of years to promote clean clear water conditions in ponds and streams. EcoBarley Liquid Extract is a pharmaceutical grade, fermented barley straw extract that has been concentrated to give you a clean clear pond. The added enzymes will help reduce pond maintenance by breaking down pond sludge and keeping filter pads cleaner.

  • Provides clear, clean pond conditions
  • Starts woprking instantly
  • Concentrated formulation with added enzymes
Aquascape Feature Scale Free : Aquascape
Aquascape Feature Scale Free

Aquascape Feature Scale Free
Aquascape Product #98907

Safely Removes Calcium and Scale from Water Fountains

Aquascape Feature Scale Free will protect your ornamental fountain fromdamage caused by scale and stain buildup. Scale buildup can permanently damage water pumps and clog fountain plumbing.

  • Helps maintain the beauty of your fountain
  • Helps keep water clean and clear of hard water deposits, white scale and foam
  • Water stays fresher, longer
  • Adds the fresh clean sent of lavender
  • Non-toxic, safe for birds and animals
Aquascape Feature Foam Free : Aquascape
Aquascape Feature Foam Free Aquascape Feature Foam Free
Aquascape Product #98908

Safely Eliminates Foam from Water Features

Aquascape Feature Foam Free will eliminate foam that will often build up in water features in and around fast-moving water.
  • Helps maintain the beauty of your water feature
  • Helps keep water clean and clear of foam
  • Non-toxic, safe for birds and animals
Aquascape Bacteria Bubble Tabs : Aquascape
Aquascape Bacteria Bubble Tabs Aquascape Bacteria Bubble Tabs
Aquascape Product #98951 & 98930

Pond Bottom and Filter Cleaner

Aquascape Bacteria Bubble Tabs contain 8 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria, including enzymes. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond. Aquascape Bacteria Bubble Tabs maintain a strong biological balance prociding clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

  • Keeps pond water clean and clear
  • Maintains a balanced ecosystem
  • Reduces pond maintenance
  • Contains 8 strains of bacteria
  • Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water
  • Over 500 million CFU bacteria count per tablet
  • Contains added ozygen to target problem areas!

Aquascape Sludge Cleaner Bubble Tabs : Aquascape
Aquascape Sludge Cleaner Bubble Tabs

Aquascape Sludge Cleaner Bubble Tabs
Aquascape Product #9898901, #98902

Pond Bottom and Filter Cleaner

Aquascape Sludge Cleaner Bubble Tabs contain over 500 million concentrated heterotrophic bacteria, including fast-acting enzymes and humic acid that can often help soften pond water. This combination of natural cleaners helps to keep pond bottoms and filters clean and clear resulting in less pond maintenance. Aquascape Sludge Cleaner Bubble Tabs maintain a strong biological balance providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions. Contains humic acid and added oxygen to target problem areas!

  • Keeps pond water clean and clear
  • Maintains a balanced ecosystem
  • Reduces pond maintenance
  • Bubble Tabs help disperse sludge-eating bacteria quickly
  • Simple, no measuring application
  • Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water
  • Over 500 million CFU bacteria count per tablet
Aquascape Dry Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds : Aquascape
Aquascape Dry Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds

Aquascape Dry Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds
Aquascape Product #98925, 98948, 98949 & 98950

Reformulated AquaClearer Extreme Dry, Reduces Pond Maintenance

Aquascape Beneficial Bacteria contains 8 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria, including PSB bacteria and enzymes. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond. A strong biological balance in your pond provides clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

- Keeps pond water clean and clear

- Maintains a balanced ecosystem

- Reduces pond maintenance

- Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water

- Contains 8 strains of bacteria

- Contains Photo Synthetic Bacteria (PSB)

- 1 billion CFU per gram potency

- 100% dissolvable- will not cloud water!

Aquascape Liquid Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds : Aquascape
Aquascape Liquid Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds

Aquascape Liquid Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds
Aquascape Product #98886, 98887, 98888 & 98885

Reformulated EcoSystems AquaClearer Extreme Liquid

Aquascape Beneficial Bacteria contains 8 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria, including PSB bacteria and enzymes. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond. A strong biological balance in your pond provides clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

- Maintains a balanced ecosystem

- Reduces pond maintenance

- Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water

- Contains 8 strains of bacteria

- Contains Photo Synthetic Bacteria (PSB)

- 750 million CFU per ounce potency

- Contains marigold and vitamin B

Aquascape Sludge Filter Cleaner for Ponds : Aquascape
Aquascape Sludge Filter Cleaner for Ponds

Aquascape Sludge & Filter Cleaner for Ponds
Aquascape Product #98889, 98890, 98891 & 98883

Reformulated AquaClearer Sludge Cleaner, Biological Pond and Filter Cleaner

Aquascape Sludge Cleaner contains 5 pure strains of concentrated heterotrophic beneficial bacteria. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance inyour pond while quickly cleaning between rocks, gravel and keeping filter pads from becoming quickly clogged. Aquascape Sludge Cleaner maintains a strong biological balance providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

- Keeps pond water clean and clear

- Maintains a balanced ecosystem

- Contains 5 strains of heterotrophic bacteria

- 1.5 billion CFU per ounce potency

- Contains marigold and humic acid

Aquascape Liquid Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria : Aquascape
Aquascape Liquid Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria Aquascape Liquid Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria
Aquascape Product #98892, 98893, 98894 & 98895

Reformulated AquaClearer Extreme Cold Water Liquid ~ For use in Spring or Fall

Aquascape Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria contains 7 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria that go to work quickly cleaning and balancing your ornamental pond, works at temperatures below 50 Degree F. Aquascape Cold Water Beneficial Bacteria maintains a strong biological balance providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

- Maintains a balanced ecosystem

- Reduces pond maintenance

- Reduces ammonia, nitrite and organic debris

- Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water

- 1.5 billion CFU per ounce

- Contains marigold and vitamin B

Gordons Pondmaster Copper Sulfate Crystals
Gordons Pondmaster Copper Sulfate Crystals Pondmaster Copper Sulfate Crystals
PBI Gordon

Use to control green and blue-green algae, diatoms and flagellates adn certain weeds found in ponds, lakes, ditches and irrigation systems.

Active Ingredient:
Copper sulfate pentahydrate = 99.0%
Aquascape Wetland Pond and Lake : Aquascape
Aquascape Wetland Pond and Lake

Aquascape Wetland Pond and Lake
Aquascape Product #98897

Reformulated AquaClearer Extreme Wetland Pond and Lake Formula ~ Beneficial Bacteria Maintenance

Aquascape Wetland Pond and Lake contains 8 pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria, including PSB bacteria and enzymes. Aquascape Wetland Pond and Lake maintains a strong biological balance providing clean, clear and healthy water conditions.

PSB (Photo Syntheic Bacteria) help quickly clear pond water by clumping fine debris and allowing it to settle.

- Maintains a balanced ecosystem

- The most concentrated biological water treatment available

- Naturally reduces amonia, nitrite and excess nutrients like phosphate

1 Gallon
1 bottle treats up to 512,00 Gallons
1 pump treats up to 4,000 Gallons

AquaClearer Extreme
AquaClearer Extreme Aquascape AquaClearerTM contains bacteria and enzymes that are scientifically blended and tested to produce maximum results in ornamental ponds. It contains specific beneficial microbes and enzymes that are effective at reducing sludge, uneater fish food, fish waste and excess nutrients that cause poor water quality and clarity.

..Seeds bilogical filters
..Naturally reduces ammonia and excess nutrients that cause poor water quality and clarity.
..Safe for fish and plants.

Think of your AquaClearerTM Extreme microbes as your continuous live-in pond clean-up crew.
Aquascape S.A.B. Stream Pond Clean : Aquascape
Aquascape S.A.B. Stream Pond Clean Aquascape S.A.B. Stream & Pond Clean
Aquascape Part #98898, #98899, #98900, #98896

Reformulated S.A.B. Extreme Keeps Ponds Clean and Crystal Clear
Double Concentrate

SAB Stream and Pond Clean contains pure strains of concentrated beneficial bacteria and enzymes. Ideal for breaking down debris in ponds, streams and waterfalls. This combination of natural cleaners helps to maintain a strong biological balance in your pond.

- Keeps pond water clean and clear
- Maintains a balanced ecosystem
- Reduces pond maintenance
- Now containing 100% more phosphate binder
- Reduces ammonia, nitrite and phosphate
- Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water

GreenCleanPro Granular Algaecide : BioSafe Systems LLC
GreenCleanPro Granular Algaecide Green Product!

GreenCleanPro Granular Algaecide & Fungicide

GreenCleanPRo is a granular product that attacks planktonic and filamentous algae on contact. Through the power of oxidation, the treated algae die within hours, beginning as soon as GreenCleanPro is applied to the algae.
It is an alternative to algaecides that utilize either copper or formaldehyde products.

GreenCleanPro can be used anywhere algae is evident, such as bodies of water, greenhouses, and nurseries, and dairy farms. Some application areas include:

- Commerical Waterways, Ponds, Lakes, Reservoirs, Lagoons
- Water and waste water applciations to reduce BOD, COD and odors
- Stocktanks, Animal Bedding & Litter, Watering Troughs
- Horticulture, Agricultural and Farm Irrigation Systems
- Floors, Walls, Walkways, Ramps, and Concrete Structures, Rooftops

- Immediate Algae Control
- No Run-Off Concerns
- Reduced Toxicity
- No Mutational Resistance
- EPA Registered
- NSF/ANSI Standard 60 Certified for Drinking Water Applications
- OMRI listed for organic production
Aquascape Professional Grade Rapid Clear : Aquascape
Aquascape Professional Grade Rapid Clear Professional Grade Rapid Clear
Aquascape Part #30412

Quickly Clears Discolored or Cloudy Water

Aquascape's Rapid Clear is scientifically blended to quikly clear cloudy or discolored pond water by clumping suspended debris, also referred to as flocculation. Most ponds will behin to clear as quickly as 24 hours.

- Quickly clears pond water
- Concentrated formulation
- Safe for fish, plants or animals that may drink pond water
- Works as quickly as 24 hours

Aquascape EcoFloc
Aquascape EcoFloc Aquascape EcoFloc

- Cleans pond water by combining suspended particular via a process commonly known as flocculation. Combined particulates are easily removed.

It is 100% safe and natural product, will not harm fish, plants or wildlife.

    CHEMICALS WATER TREATMENTS  35 Items   Displaying 1 - 30
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Catalog Contractors(7) Pond Supplies(21) Chemicals Water(35)

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