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Catalog Contractors(7) Landscaper Supp(16) Ground Protecti(5)

Ground Protection Mats
  GROUND PROTECTION MATS  5 Items   Displaying 1 - 5
Alturna Mats : AlternaMats
Alturna Mats Alturna Mats for Ground Protection

These rugged mats are made of 1/2" thick polyethylene so they are virtually indestructible. They withstand vehicles weighing up to 60 tons, bend but do not break and they're guaranteed for a full six years. AlturnaMATS have been tested in record cold and heat.

With AlturnaMATS, getting stuck is virtually eliminated. They are available smooth one one side or smooth on both sides, ideal for removing dirt or gravel.

- Easily supports 60-ton loads
- Rugged 1/2" thick polyethylene
- Bold cleat design for great traction
- Build a roadway or working platform in minutes
- Leave turf smooth, even in soft conditions
- No more splintered, warped, water logged plywood
- Simply hosing down leaves the mats clean
- Available in both black or white mats
- Mats can be locked together with Turn-A-Links forming a continuous roadway
- Guaranteed for six years

Mat-Pak Ground Protection : AlturnaMats
Mat-Pak Ground Protection Alturna Mats
Mat-Pak AlturnaMATS

All-in-one ground protection solution
This complete package is the handy way to transport and store your AlturnaMats.

Mat-Pak Includes:
Qty. 12   3' x 8' Mats
Qty. 20   Single Hooks
Qty. 2     Handi Hooks
Qty. 1     Metal Transport Rack with Straps

(Weighs 880lbs.)

Alturna Mats for Ground Protection

These rugged mats are made of 1/2" thick polyethylene so they are virtually indestructible. They withstand vehicles weighing up to 60 tons, bend but do not break and they're guaranteed for a full six years. AlturnaMATS have been tested in record cold and heat.

With AlturnaMATS, getting stuck is virtually eliminated. They are available smooth one one side or smooth on both sides, ideal for removing dirt or gravel.

- Easily supports 60-ton loads
- Rugged 1/2" thick polyethylene
- Bold cleat design for great traction
- Build a roadway or working platform in minutes
- Leave turf smooth, even in soft conditions
- No more splintered, warped, water logged plywood
- Simply hosing down leaves the mats clean
- Available in both black or white mats
- Mats can be locked together with Turn-A-Links forming a continuous roadway
- Guaranteed for six years
Outrugger Pads : AlturnaMats
Outrugger Pads Alturna Mats
Outrigger Pads from AlturnaMATS

- Solid Construction
- Lightweight Heavy Duty Outrigger pad
- Safety textured
- No delamination
- Safety orange rope handles
- Lightweight
- No splinters
- Recovery memory
- No warping after bending

Available Sizes:

15" x 15" x 1"  (Weighs 7.5 lbs.)
18" x 18" x 1"  (Weighs 11 lbs.)
24" x 24" x 1"  (Weighs 20 lbs.)
Handi Hooks with T-Handle : AlturnaMats
Handi Hooks with T-Handle

"Handi-Hooks" for AlturnaMATS

This 3' long Handi Hook comes with a "T-Handle"

The easy way to move AlturnaMATS around the work site. Simply hook into holes in the mats and move
them easily

Galvanized Steel Links : AlturnaMats
Galvanized Steel Links

Turn-A-Links for AlturnaMATS

- Single Turn-A-Links lock mats end-to-end
- Double Turn-A-Links lock four mats together at corners

Turn-A-Links (patent pending) create an instant protable roadway or working platform for aslong as you need it. Connect easily. Ideal when working in harsh sites or when the job requires several days to complete. Made of rugged 1/2" round hot roll steel.

Single and Double Steel Links Available.

  GROUND PROTECTION MATS  5 Items   Displaying 1 - 5
Catalog Contractors(7) Landscaper Supp(16) Ground Protecti(5)

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