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Aquascape AquaBlox Water Matrix
Pondless Wetland Components
Aquascape AquaBlox Water Matrix
Aquascape AquaBlox Water Matrix AquaBlox Water Matrix
Aquascape Part #AQ29491, #AQ29492

Aquascape's AquaBlox Water Matrix is designed to replace up to 90% of the gravel traditinoally used in teh reservoir of Pondless Waterfalls applications. The AquaBlox Water Matrix can also be used to replace the lower layer of 4-6 inch boulders in the bottom of the Snorkel Vault adn Centipede Module Wetland filter applications.
- Over 3 times more water storage capacituy than gravel- The AquaBlox Water Matrix can hold approximately 7.4 gallons of water per cubic foot. Gravel can hold approximately 2.2 gallons of water per cubic foot.

- Smaller Reservoirs. The ability to hold more water per cubic foot allows for smaller reservoirs.

- Less labor excavating the basin, as well as less labor moving the many tons of gravel for basin.

- The use of less liner and geotextile underlayment.
Catalog Contractors(7) Pond Supplies(21) Pondless Wetla(13)

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