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Catalog Growers Grower Garden (22) Plant Care Prod(10)

Plant Care Products
  PLANT CARE PRODUCTS  10 Items   Displaying 1 - 10
Bonide Wilt Stop Plant Protector : Bonide
Bonide Wilt Stop Plant Protector

Wilt Stop Plant Protector

40oz Ready to Use
Pint Concentrate
Quart Concentrate
Gallon Concentrate

This natural, non-toxic product, derived from the resin of pine trees, has the unique ability to form a soft, clear flexible film on treated plants. This film protects plants from drying out, drought, wind burn, sunscald, winter kill, transplant shock and salt damage. WILT STOPTM also extends life of cut flowers and Christmas trees. Great for use year around on deciduous trees, evergreens, shrubs, roses, transplants, vegetables, fruit--- RTU-5% Pinene. Concentrate-25% Pinene. RTS-90% Pinene.

Bonide Tomato Blossom Set Spray
Bonide Tomato Blossom Set Spray Tomato & Blossom Set Spray
Bonide Part #543, #544
(Replaces Fertilome Tomato & Pepper Set)


Makes blossoms set fruit despite poor weather. Nearly every blossom will produce larger, meatier, almost seedless tomatoes, ripening up to 3 weeks earlier. Also for use on other veg. plants! Contains natural plant growth hormone Kinetin.
Bonide Triple Superphosphate : Bonide
Bonide Triple Superphosphate
(Replaces Fertilome Superphosphate)

Triple Superphosphate
Bonide Product #969

Analysis: 0-45-0

Provides a readily available form of phosphorous. Stimulates root development and larger blooms. Use on flowers, fruits, vegetables.
Wilt Pruf Plant Protector : Wilt Pruf
Wilt Pruf Plant Protector The proven Anti-Transpirant for over 50 years!

The safe way to reduce moisture loss when plants are under stress all year.

Protects valuable shrubs such as evergreens, rhododendrons, azaleas, hollies, boxwood, laurel, and many other ornamentals when under water stress - by reducing moisture loss through foliage.

  • Protects against cold drying winds of winter and hot drying winds of summer.
  • Protects plants when roots are frozen in the winter depriving them of their normal moisture intake as well as during periods of drought.
  • Protects tender transplants while their root systems are developing. Tubers and bulbs do better in storage when first sprayed or dipped with Wilt-Pruf®.
  • Protects and extends the life of Christmas trees and wreaths by reducing moisture loss which results in needle drop and browning.
Bonide Aluminum Sulfate : Bonide
Bonide Aluminum Sulfate
(Replaces Fertilome Aluminum Sulfate)

Aluminum Sulfate
Bonide Product #705

Analysis: 0-0-0

Lowers soil pH for acid loving plants like azaleas, camellias, gardenias, hemlock, holly, cedar, blueberry, rhododendron, dogwood...turns hydrangeas blue. Includes easy to follow chart. Works in all soil types.
Bonide Atlantis Fish Emulsion Fertilizer : Bonide
Bonide Atlantis Fish Emulsion Fertilizer
(Replaces Fertilome Fish Emulsion)

Atlantis Fish Emulsion Fertilizer
Bonide Product #080, #081, #082

Fish is a natural based source of essential plant nutrients

Made from fresh Atlantic fish remains. Made by a unique cold process that protects the vitamins, amino acids and enzymes. Contains all the micro and macro nutrients naturally found in fish. No unpleasant odor.
Bonide Hydrated Lime : Bonide
Bonide Hydrated Lime (Replaces Fertilome Horticultural Hydrated Lime)

Hydrated Lime
Bonide Product #978, #979

Quickly raises soil pH, neutralizes soil acidity and provides Calcium. Improves soil structure.
Bonide Root and Grow Root Stimulant : Bonide
Bonide Root and Grow Root Stimulant

(Replaces Fertilome Root Stimulator)

Root & Grow Root Stimulator
Bonide Product #411, #412, #413

Pint Concentrate
Quart Concentrate
Gallon Concentrate

4-10-3 Fertilizer plus IBA Growth Hormone Concentrate Stimulates early and strong root formation. Reduces transplant shock. Promotes greener, more vigorous plants. Weather proof packaging permits outside merchandising.

Root Stimulator without Growth Hormone

Bonide Plant Starter Solution
Bonide Plant Starter Solution Plant Starter Solution
Bonide Part #160, 161, 165

Pint Concentrate
Quart Concentrate
Gallon Concentrate

3-10-3 Fertilizer plus Vitamin B-1
For use on fruit, vegetables, flowers, trees, bedding plants, etc., to stimulate early and strong root development. Promotes greener, more vigorous growth. Reduces transplant shock. 4 Tbsp./gal.

Bonide Root and Grow Plant Starter : Bonide
Bonide Root and Grow Plant Starter Root & Grow Plant Starter


3-10-3 Fertilizer, vitamin B1 plus IBA make this our most balanced and effective plant starter/root stimulator. Combine this formula with a gorgeous waterproof label, a water proof display tray, and a 40 ounce bonus size, and you have the best plant starter on the market today!

Root Stimulator with Growth Hormone
  PLANT CARE PRODUCTS  10 Items   Displaying 1 - 10
Catalog Growers Grower Garden (22) Plant Care Prod(10)

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